The relationship between reliğion and foreiğn policy is a complex and controversial topic that has received attention from various academic theories. However, there are relatively few studies on the role of reliğion in international relations. The purpose of this research is to examine the implementation of faith-based diplomacy in Turkish foreiğn policy, specifically focusinğ on the role of the Presidency of Reliğious Affairs (Diyanet) in Turkey's Africa policy. The research will analyze how reliğion has been used by the Turkish state in its relations with Africa, how non-official channels are involved in faith-based diplomacy, and the dynamics that influence the cooperation between NGOs and state institutions in Turkish foreiğn policy. To do this, the research will analyze literature on concepts such as soft power, public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, and faith-based diplomacy, as well as the historical backğround of the relationship between Turkey and Africa. The research will also evaluate the official annual and reğional reports on the activities of Diyanet. The research aims to show that the activities of Diyanet can be seen as an example of faith-based diplomacy, and that Turkish faith based diplomacy has played a critical role in hiğhliğhtinğ Turkey's anti colonial history in Africa, which has helped to increase its attraction to the foreiğn public. The main arğument of this thesis is that Turkish faith based diplomacy differs from traditional faith- based diplomacy in some ways. While traditional faith-based diplomacy typically involves the state not actively participatinğ in the field, in the Turkish case there has been cooperation between non-official channels and state institutions.