A medical equipment system was developed to include the inventory of medical equipment, the failure management process, the maintenance and repair periods, the management and the scheduling for calibration and preventive maintenance. The software system keeps all necessary information, analyzes and converts this information intomeaningfulresultsandgraphicalcharts. Itcanreportthefailuretypes, theleading causes for the failures, and the cost analysis for each failure. The user determines the frequency for the preventive maintenance according to this information. Scheduling makes it easier to control and stick by the layout of the hospital process. This webbased software project was written by Entity Framework code first system in ASP.NET MVC 5 area on SQL server 2016 database, which was created on the Microsoft Azure Cloud System server. The upgrades and maintenance of the system could be done while the system is operational. The screens are limited by access authorization of each type of user.|Keywords : Medical Equipment Management System, Preventive Maintenance, Analyze.