The aim of the study was to determine the proper laser paramaters for 1940-nm Thulium Fiber Laser for ceramic bracket removing. In order to assess the e ectiveness of 1940-nm Thulium Fiber Laser in orthodontic ceramic bracket debonding , polycrystalline ceramic brackets were bonded to mandibular bovine teeth with adhesive agent.The samples were divided into 9 di erent groups due to applied laser power and laser duration, debonding method used . There was a control group that had no laser application . The e cency of the laser was investigated together with the required debonding forces and intrapulpal temperature changes . In this study, keeping intrapulpal temperature changes below the threshold value that is accepted 5; 5 C must be accepted as a must. In most of the lasing groups , the increase in intrapulpal temperature changes were observed almost below the threshold value 5; 5 C . The ndings revealed that 1940-nm Thulium Fiber Laser irradiation could reduce the needed debonding force or SBS (shear bond strength ) values signi cantly compared to control group . Irradiation of the specimens by 1940-nm Thulium Fiber Laser caused more than 50% reduction in the needed debonding force when compared to the control group. Di erent application methods : non-scanning and scanning were studied to assess the e ects of the distinct con gurations. Scanning method was tried to reduce the intrapulpal temperature rise during laser irradiation but in this study side e ects of this method were faced. It was revealed that di erent application methods did not create any remarkable di erences . In more than 50% of samples with energies 25 J or more, adhesive remnant hasn't been observed on enamel surfaces for the laser groups.|Keywords : Laser, Debonding, Ceramic Brackets.