Quick and easy information access is enabled via developing internet technologies and shrinking mobile devices. It is possible to reach any information at any time by use of hand held devices. Hence, services supporting mobile technologies are becoming widespread which in turn stimulates investigations about mobile service adoption. In addition to the quick and easy accessibility of information by rapid development of mobile services, people would rather services that are efficient in time and that require less effort in their daily rush. Adaptivity, system’s intelligent behaviour due to changing profiles, needs and situations, is one of the factors that is suitable to save time and effort in mobile service usage. The aim of this study is to figure out the determinants in mobile service adoption, find out their effects (primarily adaptive behavior’s impact) on service adoption and their relationship with each other. The study started with literature review so as to obtain theoretical background about human computer interaction and mobile service adoption. Afterwards, two qualitative studies and a brainstorming session were realized in order to construct mobile service adoption taxonomy based on participants’ views. Lastly, an experimental study was conducted and its analyses were carried out. By conjoint analysis, mobile service preference factors of users were investigated and by regression analysis, determinants of mobile service intention were figured out.