Luxury fashion consumption has been examined as specific type of consumption behaviour in the literature exhibiting different characteristics, trends and dynamics. On the other hand, global economic situations affect almost all types of consumption habits in some extend. Therefore, determining the extent of economic effects on luxury purchasing behaviour in the country or region at issue is crucial for decision making processes in the firm and market levels. This thesis aims at analysing luxury fashion consumption in Turkey. The main objective is to analyse the factors on purchasing behaviour in Turkish luxury market after the economic crises period. An online-based questionnaire was designed to explore different dimensions of luxury consumption behaviour. Following the literature, data is statistically tested for four dimensions which are individual, social, functional and financial values. The results show that all of the four dimensions are significant for luxury consumption in Turkish market. The findings reveal that economic concerns and priorities are valid and meaningfully affect the consumption decisions. However, significancy level of financial values is close to the other dimensions and not significantly different. Harmful effects of the economic crisis are not likely very strong in the case of Turkey.