This study investigated the factors that influence and mechanisms that underlie the relationship between Western media exposure and body satisfaction among students in Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, and Selçuk University, Konya. Previous research has found a link between sociocultural influences, like the media, and body satisfaction and unhealthy eating attitudes. In this study, 316 women from all body mass index groups participated by filling out the scales online. A Western Media Exposure Scale, Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire, and Physical Appearance Comparison Scale were used to assess variables related to Western media exposure. Body Esteem Scale and Eating Attitudes Test were used to measure body satisfaction and eating patterns, and Religious Orientation Scale and demographic form were used to assess religiosity and personal differences, like socioeconomic status and body mass index. Results showed that Western media exposure, internalization of and comparison with media ideals were related to body satisfaction. Even though Boğaziçi University and Selçuk University students differed from each other in terms of religiosity and socioeconomic status, their body satisfaction levels and unhealthy eating attitudes unexpectedly did not differ from each other. Further implications of the research and recommended future directions are also discussed.