This study Turkish banking by Omit Altmay aims determining the competi ti ve sector and suggesting strategies position of to be and remain competitive against the European Internal Market. A brief history of the Turkish Banking Sector is provided to enable assessment of the development of the banking sector in Turkey. The affect of foreign banks in the domestic sector is analyzed. The Internal market, the harmonization process in EC and its effects on EC countries as well as on third countries to the community are discussed in detail to estimate the implications for the Turkish Banking Sector. The effects of the recent entry to the customs Union with the European Union is analyzed in terms of its indirect consequences on the banking sector. The liberalization and deregulation in Turkish banking sector is given and the importance of legislative unification and enhancing the competitive power of the sector is stressed. The issues that need to be highlighted when comparing Turkish Banking Sector against its EC counterparts are firstly the order of different scale in terms of assets and equity, secondly, high profitability, high operating costs and low producti vi ty, and thirdly the oligopolistic structure in the sector. Altough currently sUffering from the structural problems In the economy, Turkish banking is on the way of integration to international markets and in the process of enhancing the competitiveness against foreign banks.