Phenomenology of Spirit as the Teleological Unfolding of Consciousness” In this thesis, Hegel‟s conception of the “experience of consciousness” as the very movement of natural consciousness towards knowledge of itself will be under scrutiny with the intention of being capable of justifying the following claim. What is undertaken throughout the PhS majorly consists in demonstrating that natural consciousness is in essence already destined towards absolute knowledge, the concept of knowledge as its telos. The entire work, PhS, seems to me to be described as the teleological unfolding of consciousness regarding the very fact that “The true is the whole” as “[n]othing other than the essence consummating itself through its own developmen[t]”. For the validation of such an argument, the parts of the PhS containing the detailed journey of consciousness from its natural state to the establishment of knowledge of its own will be under cover throughout this work. Besides, in an attempt to justify that this journey of consciousness is teleological in essence, the Aristotelian conception of essence in relation to the notion of telos will be in charge.