Soil churacteristics play an inportant role in civil engineering structures. One of the characteristic phenomena associated with the, behaviour of soils is frost heaving. Frost heaving causes considerable damage to highways, foundations, airfields and other types of earth structures. A significant problem to be considered seriously. Basic features of frost action and factors in fluencing frost action has been shortly reviewed. Taking void ratio as a parameter, experiments were performed to measure the saturation capillary, heads of different soil fractions and their, various conbinations.For this purpose a transparent capillary tube, made of far glas, was constructed, in the laboratory. Permeabilities of the same soils were measured, at the same void ratio as in the cases of capillarity tests. Freezing of the soils were performed in a specially constructed freezing chamber, thus, being able to measure their moisture content increases, which causes the main destructure heaving in the bases and foundation of civil engineering structures.