Expert Systems deal with difficult, ill-structured problems in complex domains for which no straight forward algorithmic solutions exist. Nostly these problems need human experts, with years of training and education, specialized in the area of concern. .However it may not be always possible to have an access to these scarce and valuable experts. It is at this point where the importance of Expert Systems becomes clear. Expert Systems are designed to solve problems more or like in a similar manner as real experts. They are defined to be systems aiming at assisting in problem analysis and decision making. One of the complex areas, which is faced with scarce expert problem is the conservation decisions that should be given over countless cultural property in Turkey. This thesis suggests an Expert System in order to clarify the conservation type and conservation degree depending on the characteristics of the cultural property. As a consequence of this clarification the conservation rationale, which is very hard to determine, will be established; so that the cultural properties will have the chance of inheriting their quality and physical conditions over the years.