The miniaturization studies in both integrated circuits (IC) and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have made it possible to have electronic systems that can operate with very low power. Sensors that are used for monitoring in the buildings, factories or military facilities and wireless sensor networks are examples of such systems. Most of these systems are powered up via batteries which may cause some problems such as replacement of the batteries or disposal of these batteries. Since these systems can operate with very low power, they can be powered up with miniature renewable energy sources. The energy sources that are used in such systems are commonly: solar, thermal, acoustical, mechanical and vibrational energy harvesting systems. Another main energy harvesting source is the ambient motion. It is possible to have a harvesting system, that utilizes human motion, which can power some small mobile equipment. In this thesis, a system is designed that harvest energy from human motion by electromagnetic induction to sense certain daily motions.