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dc.provenance Boğaziçi Cultural Museum Eveline Thomson Scott
dc.coverage.spatial Istanbul-New York, 1940s 2017-12-08T12:34:34Z 2017-12-08T12:34:34Z 1943-1947
dc.identifier.other SCT.ETS.03.009.02.NB
dc.description Begins on January 1, 1943; ends on December 31, 1947. 1944-1945: About the news of the death of her son David Alexander Scott (died on December 6, 1944). 7 May 1945: about Germany's capitulation, "Tomorrow victory in Europe day. Too late!".
dc.description.sponsorship İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/16/YNY/0089) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/16/YNY/0089)
dc.format 185p, 11*15
dc.language.iso EN
dc.rights Open Access
dc.subject Eveline Thomson Scott, Diary, Istanbul, David Alexander Scott, Death, World War II
dc.subject Eveline Thomson Scott, Günlük, İstanbul, David Alexander Scott, Ölüm, İkinci Dünya Savaşı
dc.title Eveline Thomson Scott'a ait günlük
dc.title.alternative Diary belonging to Eveline Thomson Scott
dc.type notebook
dc.rights.holder Boğaziçi Archives and Documentation Center
dc.print.type handwriting
dc.accrual.method Donation
dc.identifier.barcode SCTETS0300902

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