Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Harold Lorain Scott ve Pierre Callies arasında yazışma

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dc.provenance Boğaziçi Cultural Museum Pierre Callies
dc.contributor.other Harold Lorain Scott
dc.coverage.spatial France, Turkey, 1950s 2017-12-08T12:32:39Z 2017-12-08T12:32:39Z
dc.identifier.other SCT.ETS.02.235.03.CR
dc.description News of the death of Philippe Callies, son of Pierre Callies (French military friend of Harold), who died during the Algerian War and draft answer with condolence message of Harold (in English and French).
dc.description.sponsorship İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/16/YNY/0089) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/16/YNY/0089)
dc.format 8p, 27*21; 29*23; 27*20; 14*11; 8*11; 21*14
dc.language.iso FR, EN
dc.rights Open Access
dc.title Harold Lorain Scott ve Pierre Callies arasında yazışma
dc.title.alternative Correspondence between Harold Lorain Scott and Pierre Callies
dc.type correspondence
dc.rights.holder Boğaziçi Archives and Documentation Center
dc.print.type handwriting
dc.accrual.method Donation
dc.identifier.barcode SCTETS0223503

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