Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

The effects of post fire re-curing on mechanical properties and recovery of fiber reinforced concrete

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Civil Engineering.
dc.contributor.advisor Zihnioğlu, Nilüfer Özyurt.
dc.contributor.advisor Akca, Abdullah Huzeyfe. Noori, Mohamed Adil Noori. 2023-10-15T08:26:02Z 2023-10-15T08:26:02Z 2022
dc.identifier.other CE 2022 N66
dc.description.abstract High temperatures or fire may cause significant damage in concrete. Moreover, further deterioration continues at the post heating stage. Although, there are few studies on the post fire rehabilitation of concrete in the literature, most of them focused only on the re-strengthening of concrete. On the other hand, the post fire activities in concrete have a significant impact on both mechanical and microstructural properties of concrete. Therefore, in this study new solution based re-curing techniques were utilized on the concrete specimens at the post heating stage. 7 days of post fire re-curing was applied in order to be more effective, practical and cost effective compared to the longer re-curing periods. At every stage of heating, cooling and re-curing; destructive and non-destructive tests were performed on cubic and prismatic specimens in order to determine the residual mechanical properties and to monitor the extent of recovery. Some of these specimens were also subjected to TGA analyses to better understand the microstructural changes of concrete following heating and the effect of re-curing methods. The results showed further deterioration in air re-cured concrete but recovery in water and solution based re-cured concrete.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2022.
dc.subject.lcsh Fiber-reinforced concrete.
dc.subject.lcsh Fire.
dc.title The effects of post fire re-curing on mechanical properties and recovery of fiber reinforced concrete
dc.format.pages xvii, 95 leaves

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