Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Experimental study on foundation isolation using geosynthetics

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Earthquake Engineering.
dc.contributor.advisor Edinçliler, Ayşe. Çalıkoğlu, Murat. 2023-03-16T12:54:52Z 2023-03-16T12:54:52Z 2017.
dc.identifier.other EQE 2017 C36
dc.description.abstract In the last decades, alternative low cost seismic isolation techniques which are commonly known as Geotechnical Seismic Isolation (GSI) systems were developed to mitigate earthquake hazards. These are known as Rubber Soil Mixtures (RSM) and Geosynthetics. Soil isolation and foundation isolation are the types of GSI with geosynthetics which can easily be applicable for low-to-mid rise buildings. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of foundation isolation with geosynthetics on seismic performance of low-to-mid rise buildings by using shaking table experiments. The proposed GSI system is comprised of a geotextile overlying geomembrane placed underneath the foundation with three different configurations. More importantly, this study is the first study on foundation isolation with geosynthetics considering different configurations by using shaking table under seismic loadings. Two different shaking table models representing the fixed based and isolated based buildings were designed as a 1:10 scaled building models. The effects of foundation isolation in terms of the number of the story of the building, type of geosynthetic couples, GSI configuration and dynamic motion characteristics on the seismic performance of the model buildings were evaluated. The comparative results of the fixed based and isolated based building models revealed that the proposed GSI systems can substantially reduce the horizontal accelerations, horizontal story drifts, Arias intensity, base shear, and base moment of the buildings under different seismic motions. The proposed method in this study can be a good alternative method to mitigate earthquake hazards for developing countries.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, 2017.
dc.subject.lcsh Earthquake hazard analysis.
dc.subject.lcsh Geotechnical engineering -- Methodology.
dc.title Experimental study on foundation isolation using geosynthetics
dc.format.pages xxxvi, 229 leaves ;

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