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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Management Information Systems.
dc.contributor.advisor Kutlu, Birgül. Aydın, Alp Eren. 2023-03-16T12:51:53Z 2023-03-16T12:51:53Z 2013.
dc.identifier.other MIS 2013 A84
dc.description.abstract Turkish Electricity Market Simulation Game is designed to inform people about the basics of the Turkish electricity market and give them chance to train themselves in the real market conditions by using serious game methodology. Turkish Electricity Market Simulation Game covers almost all of the operations which can be done in the real Turkish electricity market. In the environment where people cannot find up-to-date information sources about the Turkish electricity market, participants learn the basics of the Turkish electricity market, which is complicated, and up-to-date changes in the Turkish electricity market, which is hard to follow, by playing the game. In the game, participants have a chance to see the Turkish electricity market from different perspectives. They can own power plants by making investments and they can do trading operations which are done exactly in the same manner in the real market. Participants gain experience about the Turkish electricity market without taking any risks. The Turkish Electricity Market Simulation Game consists of many stages and total completion time for all these stages is not too long, which makes the game very efficient in terms of time. This study corresponds with the needs of the companies that are active in Turkish electricity market, electricity related departments in the universities and people interested in the Turkish electricity market.|Keywords : Electricity, Electricity market, Serious game.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences, 2013.
dc.subject.lcsh Electricity.
dc.title Turkish electricity market simulation game
dc.format.pages viii, 123 leaves ;

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