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Nev’î’s Şerh-i Cevâb-ı İbn Sînâ Be-Suʾâl-i Ebû Saʿîd :|an analysis and transcription

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Turkish Language and Literature.
dc.contributor.advisor Büyükkarcı Yılmaz, Fatma.
dc.contributor.advisor Kut, Günay. Ablak, Muhammed Tarık. 2023-03-16T12:45:34Z 2023-03-16T12:45:34Z 2020.
dc.identifier.other TKL 2020 A36
dc.description.abstract The subject of this thesis is the work of Nev’î Yahya (d. 1599), Şerh-i Cevâb-ı İbn Sînâ Be-Suʾâl-i Ebû Saîd. It is also possible to name this work, which is the only known Turkish commentary about the correspondence between Avicenna (d. 1037) and Abu Said-i Abu'l-Khayr (d. 1049), as al-Risâlât al-Sûfiyye. This study reveals a new work of Nev’î that sheds light on the correspondence between Avicenna and Abu Said-i Abu'l-Khayr. After transcribing of the only known copy of the work, I identified elements that make up the text and examined them from various perspectives. In the context of the subject discussed, other commentaries on the same correspondence are introduced and Nev'î’s commentary is compared with other commentaries in terms of content. Also, in the context of this thesis, arguments about Avicenna and Abu Said's meetings and correspondence are discussed. I also found that there was a brief treatise of Nev’î in that manuscript. It is among the findings of this thesis that an unknown commentary of Şeyhülislâm Kemalpaşazâde was revealed about this correspondence.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences, 2020.
dc.title Nev’î’s Şerh-i Cevâb-ı İbn Sînâ Be-Suʾâl-i Ebû Saʿîd :|an analysis and transcription
dc.format.pages xi, 156 leaves ;

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