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Compliance and negotiation: the role of Turkish Diyanet in the production of Friday Khutbas

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Political Science and International Relations.
dc.contributor.advisor Arat, Yeşim, Saçmalı, Muhammet Habib. 2023-03-16T12:26:35Z 2023-03-16T12:26:35Z 2013.
dc.identifier.other POLS 2013 S34
dc.description.abstract Friday khutbas are important instruments for reaching the public in Turkey, since approximately twenty million men could be addressed through the khutbas in the mosques every week. These khutbas are written by officials of the Directorate of Religious Affairs in the khutba committees in each city separately and distributed to imams to be delivered during Friday prayers. Due to the fact that these khutbas are religious texts and presented by the translators of a holy text in the eyes of the public, Friday khutbas have great influence on people through appealing to their hearts and minds. I consider the state and society to be the main actors that determine and shape the position, aim, discourse, and activities of the Diyanet. With the AK Parti government, for the first time in the history of Turkish Republic there has been a cleavage between the government and established state ideology in the understandings of religion and nationalism. Because of this, I take the AK Parti government as another agent within the state in this determination and shaping. The argument of this thesis is that the officials in the khutba committee, who seem to be the real actors writing Friday khutbas are mostly passive agents and employ self-censorship in the process of khutba writing to comply with the orders and demands of the state, government, and society and to abstain from confrontation and conflict with these actors. To elaborate my thesis, I shall also present the boundaries of various kinds of initiatives taken by the Diyanet officials in the process of khutba production to stand against the demands of these actors.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences, 2013.
dc.subject.lcsh Islamic sermons.
dc.title Compliance and negotiation: the role of Turkish Diyanet in the production of Friday Khutbas
dc.format.pages v, 149 leaves ;

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