Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Exploring the influence of youtubers on adolescents’ identity construction :|an interpretative phenomenological analysis

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Guidance and Psychological Counseling.
dc.contributor.advisor Gürsel Bilgin, Gülistan. Akbaş, Merve Nadide. 2023-03-16T12:24:09Z 2023-03-16T12:24:09Z 2020.
dc.identifier.other ED 2020 A53
dc.description.abstract The present study investigated the influence of YouTubers on adolescents’ identity construction as well as aiming at exploring what kind of interactions occur between YouTubers and adolescents. In this context, this study intended to understand the YouTubers’ role in adolescents’ lives in terms of mindset and daily practices. In this qualitative research, the data gathered from 10 adolescents, most of whom are living in Istanbul. The data was collected through interviews in order to get in-depth information about the identity experiences of adolescents. The results of the interviews were analyzed through the interpretative phenomenological analysis method. The results of the study revealed that YouTubers helped adolescents to become integrated into society by noticing the similar aspects of their identities such as feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. On the other hand, YouTubers have been found to assist adolescents to discover their individuality through their videos and comments of other viewers on these videos. Also, it has been observed that the exploration option and range of social interaction extended thanks to YouTubers. However, it has been revealed that adolescents sometimes overly identified themselves with YouTubers, imitate them and implement YouTubers’ recommendation without questioning. Considering this fact, it has been observed that the awareness level of adolescents about how much they are affected by YouTubers is insufficient, so it is essential to empower adolescents’ new media literacy. As a result, the practical implications for parents, counselors, and authorities are discussed.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences, 2020.
dc.subject.lcsh Teenagers.
dc.subject.lcsh Identity (Psychology)
dc.subject.lcsh Online social networks -- Social aspects.
dc.subject.lcsh Internet personalities.
dc.title Exploring the influence of youtubers on adolescents’ identity construction :|an interpretative phenomenological analysis
dc.format.pages viii, 180 leaves ;

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