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Dijital Arşivi

Fragmentation of truth :|Heidegger’s confrontation with Plato

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Philosophy.
dc.contributor.advisor Abdel-Meguid, Ahmed. Kızılkaya Ünal, Ebru. 2023-03-16T11:55:01Z 2023-03-16T11:55:01Z 2021.
dc.identifier.other PHIL 2021 K56
dc.description.abstract Heidegger’s interpretation of Plato’s concept of truth falsely accuses Plato of incarcerating truth in proposition and losing the experience of truth as un-concealment. Plato didn’t give priority to truth as correctness over truth as un-concealment. I demonstrate that both senses of truth are interwoven with each other in Plato’s thinking. I reinforce my argument by showing how Heidegger himself indicates the presence of this dual conception of truth in Plato’s thinking. Examining various dialogues of Plato along with Heidegger’s interpretations side by side, I show that Heidegger could have engaged with Plato’s dialogues in a meaningful way rather than distorting his conception of truth with a caricature of Plato. Heidegger’s reduction of Plato into Platonism leads him to conclude that from Plato on truth becomes fragmentary ushering the end of philosophy.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences, 2021.
dc.subject.lcsh Truth.
dc.title Fragmentation of truth :|Heidegger’s confrontation with Plato
dc.format.pages vi, 72 leaves ;

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