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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Linguistics.
dc.contributor.advisor Guerzoni, Elena. Akpınar, Kadernur. 2023-03-16T11:43:49Z 2023-03-16T11:43:49Z 2021.
dc.identifier.other LING 2021 A57
dc.description.abstract The aim of the present research is to provide a novel compositional semantic analysis for Turkish conditional sentences with wh-phrases in their antecedents (wh conditionals henceforth), which are ambiguous between question and free conditional readings, the latter being the term I use for what roughly corresponds to English sentences with wh-ever phrases. Demirok (2017) is the only existing analysis of free conditionals in Turkish, which builds on Rawlins (2013). I show that Demirok’s and Rawlins’s view, which assumes Hamblin’s (1973) semantics of wh phrases, overgenerates, thus I suggest an alternative to it which assumes Rullman and Beck’s (1998) semantics of wh-phrases as restricted variables, instead. I argue that a wh-phrase can be bound by a universal modal operator, and this results in a free conditional reading, whereas, when it is bound by a question operator (as in Rullman and Beck, 1998), the question reading arises. Lastly, I turn to free conditionals involving an existential modal, and observe that one needs to stipulate the presence of a covert universal modal in them, in order to account for their truth conditions. The proposal in this dissertation contributes a new perspective on wh-conditionals in Turkish and possibly in other languages, which exhibit similar structures.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences, 2021.
dc.subject.lcsh Turkish language -- Semantics.
dc.title Semantics of Turkish free conditionals
dc.format.pages xii, 91 leaves ;

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