Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Performance of Paşaköy Wastewater Treatment Plant

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Civil Engineering.
dc.contributor.advisor Akkoyunlu, Atilla. Kutlu, Ufuk. 2023-03-16T10:50:08Z 2023-03-16T10:50:08Z 2010.
dc.identifier.other CE 2010 K88
dc.description.abstract Ömerli Dam Reservoir is one of the major water resources supplying drinking water of Istanbul. Almost about 40% percentage of drinking water of Istanbul is supplied by Ömerli Dam Reservoir. Due to rapid urbanization, population growth, industrial development and insufficient infrastructure, Ömerli watershed is highly affected by the wastewater discharges from the residential areas and industrial plants. In order to protect the dam against pollution Paşaköy Wastewater Treatment Plant was constructed in 2000, and to extend the capacity, the second phase initiated in 2004 and completed in 2009. All of the process units are investigated for the whole plant, and the operation of the plant is acceptable due to advanced biological treatment plant standards. The influent and effulent parameters of the plant investigated and ploted. The parameters which are biological oxygen demand(BOD5), suspended solids(SS), total nitrogen(TN), and total phosphorus are investigated and analysed between January 2007 and October 2010. The data indicated that the effluent parameters reach sufficient values according to design effluent parameters of the plant and they were under the limit values of Water Pollution and Control Regulations. After analyses and calculations, it can be said that removing load capacity of the plant is in high levels. Also a proposed model applied for the plant. There was a high correlation between the actual values of the laboratory analysis and predicted values of the model. This leads to use this model in order to forecast the performance of the plant under varying influent loads. Also it can be used as a tool for the plant operator to choose different operational modes without not spending much time. By Paşaköy WWTP ,the most polluted creek Paşaköy which used to flow untreated in to the dam, reaches the Riva Stream with a 6 km tunnel and discharged to the Black Sea. Thus, high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus which are the nutrients mostly cause the eutrophication, is removed away. Now, Ömerli Dam is a first class potable water source after Paşaköy WWTP was put in to use.
dc.format.extent 30cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2010.
dc.subject.lcsh Sewage disposal plants -- Turkey.
dc.subject.lcsh Sewage -- Purification -- Biological treatment.
dc.title Performance of Paşaköy Wastewater Treatment Plant
dc.format.pages xi, 77 leaves;

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