Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Gridification of earthquake location finding and regional fault plane solution applications

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Computational Science and Engineering.
dc.contributor.advisor Özturan, Can. Bektaş, Bilal. 2023-03-16T10:01:23Z 2023-03-16T10:01:23Z 2013.
dc.identifier.other CSE 2013 B45
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, two studies have been conducted. One of them is Gridi cation of Earthquake Location Finding (ELF) Application and the other one is Gridi cation of Regional Fault Plane Solution (FPS) Application. Earthquake Location Finding application nds the hypocenter of an earthquake by using the seismic waveform data generated by seismic stations. ELF is data intensive since it needs to process waveform les from several stations. The application is parallelized by decomposing the problem space and expressing it as a parallel JDL work ow. To implement spatial decompositions, stations are divided among the worker nodes. A node is assigned a task which is responsible for accessing a speci c station's waveform le and computing picks. The results from all worker nodes are then sent to a collector node which runs the HYPO71 program to locate hypocenter of the earthquake. Timing results indeed show that parallelization of le accesses improves performance. The main goal of Regional Fault Plain Solution (FPS) application is the determination of the faulting mechanism that characterizes earthquake parameters (dip,strike, rake) by utilizing regional Moment Tensor Inversion method. The most time-consuming part of the FPS application involves the calculation of Green's functions. Therefore, calculation of the Green's functions has been parallelized. A Job Description Language work ow is automatically created based on the initial parameters of individual crustal models that are necessary for producing Green functions. Timing results obtained indicate that the FPS application did achieve speed-up as a result of parallelization.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2013.
dc.subject.lcsh Earthquakes.
dc.title Gridification of earthquake location finding and regional fault plane solution applications
dc.format.pages xii, 49 leaves ;

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