Browsing M.A. Theses by Title

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  • Yüksel, Pınar. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2017., 2017.)
    Islamic animal sacrifice is a topic that has been written about little but is very significant because the sacrifice practice itself is undergoing a process of change in Turkey. My argument is that kurban practices in ...
  • Yetkin, Meryem. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2019., 2019.)
    This thesis discusses the initiation of Ottoman-reformed criminal procedures and courts into the provinces of Iraq between the 1940s and the late 1960s. It evaluates the Ottoman government’s efforts to gain monopoly over ...
  • Bico, Cem. (Thesis (M.A.)-Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2006., 2006.)
    This thesis aims to show how the novels of Yaşar Kemal comprising The Other Face of the Mountain trilogy-The Wind from the Plain (1960), Iron Earth, Copper Sky (1963) and The Undying Grass (1968)-function as "liberative ...
  • Dilber, Özlem. (Thesis (M.A.)-Bogazici University.Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2009., 2009.)
    The aim of this thesis is to discuss the history of childhood and the state involvement of control on the bodies and minds of children during the Second World War in Turkey by scrutinizing three spaces of children of lower ...
  • Kalkan, İbrahim Halil. (Thesis (M.A.)-Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2004., 2004.)
    This thesis, as a work of social history, studies medicine as political phenomena through its three aspects: public hygiene within the urban space, syphilis and forensics, in the late Ottoman Empire. As a result of the ...
  • Ergin, Esen. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2019., 2019.)
    This study aims to explore how a group of Muslim and Christian women of Mersin remember and narrate their life experiences in relation to modernity, the Republican reforms and the intercommunal relations between the Mus-lims ...
  • Engil, Kadir. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2019., 2019.)
    This thesis investigates halı saha as one of the main spaces where homosocial-ization among heteromasculine men takes place in the urban context of İstanbul. It specifically focuses on young men with urban, secular and ...
  • Arslan, Sinem. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2021., 2021.)
    This thesis examines the associational life of Turkish immigrants from Bulgaria in Turkey. Firstly, this thesis argues how the communal identity of “Bulgaristanlı Turks” which is shaping by assimilation policies of the ...
  • Demesticha, Maria. (Thesis (M.A.)-Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2004., 2004.)
    This thesis explores the history of the Turkish minority of Western Thrace from 1923 until the present time. By presenting the life conditions and the problems that the minority has faced in Greece it shows what an important ...
  • Bulkan, Burak. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2019., 2019.)
    Today, our world lives through a new political process. Some political decisions and implementations are obviously results and products of a state of exception. The exception derived from internal or external causes creates ...
  • Akar, Utku. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2019., 2019.)
    This thesis aims to deal with how the Ottoman government implemented the incentives to motivate its soldiers and non-conscripted youth. This thesis takes into consideration the fact the Ottoman army is not a homogenous ...
  • Şen, Bayram. (Thesis (M.A.)-Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2007., 2007.)
    This thesis examines the relationship between nationalism, emigration and identity in Turkey in the post- 1950 era. It studies the ways in which the immigrants define their nationality, legitimize their emigration to Turkey. ...
  • Baştuji, Kemal Berkay. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2018., 2018.)
    This thesis examines Near East Relief’s aid campaign in occupied Constantinople (1918-1923) in the post-war Near East. Taking advantage of long standing theoretical debates on the politics of aid, this thesis approaches ...
  • Has, Özlem. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2017., 2017.)
    Achille Mbembe has opened a new path for studies of violence with the con-cept “necropolitics” which refers to the “subjugation of life to the power of death.” The Mbembe’s main goal is to reveal the relationships among ...
  • Oğuz, Çiğdem. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2011., 2011.)
    This study focuses on the pardons of the Hamidian era by using the petitions which were written by convicts, accused people or their relatives to the Sublime Porte. Beside the lives, prison conditions and accusations of ...
  • Tafolar, Mine. (Thesis (M.A.)-Bogazici University. Institute Ataturk of Modern Turkish History, 2008., 2008.)
    This study examines the Özal decade through the lens of populism and scrutinizes the manifestations of this neoliberal populist governance style on the economic, discursive, and institutional levels in a detailed manner. ...
  • Ruben, Duygun. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2019., 2019.)
    This thesis investigates the transformations in the realm of social housing in Turkey in the AKP era. Using the theoretical framework provided by critical urban geographers, which asserts that neoliberalization processes ...
  • Baraç Göymen, Sema Yaşar. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2015., 2015.)
    This thesis examines the effects of the Ottoman Empire’s modern state-making practices on the lives of the Hakkari’s Christian Nestorian tribes, and on the Nestorian tribes’ relations with the neighboring Kurdish tribes. ...
  • Ferman, Oğuzhan. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2019., 2019.)
    The dissolution of the Soviet Union meant a relaxation of control mechanisms over Turkic peoples of Eurasia, and five Turkic nations emerged as sovereign independent nation-states namely Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, ...
  • Acar, Uğurcan. (Thesis (M.A.) - Bogazici University. Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History, 2022., 2022)
    This study presents a narrative on road and railway transportation in the years of the National Struggle regarding the transportation legacy from the Ottoman Empire to Anatolia. In addition to great technological revo ...

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