Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Konu "PID controllers." için M.S. Theses listeleme

Konu "PID controllers." için M.S. Theses listeleme

Sırala: Sıra: Sonuçlar:

  • Kayacan, Erdal. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2006., 2006.)
    This thesis proposes a grey system theory based fuzzy PID controller that has a prediction capability. Although fuzzy control theory and grey system theory have completely different mathematical basics, both deal with ...
  • Yükselten, Mehmet Sait. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2010., 2010.)
    In today’s industrial environments, there is an increasing number of modelling and controlling researches of the processes which are used in many types of applications. However, there are only some limited researches on ...

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