Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Başlık için Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Enstitüsü listeleme

Başlık için Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Enstitüsü listeleme

Sırala: Sıra: Sonuçlar:

  • Erdem, Şener. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2007., 2007.)
    Various noninvasive medical treatments rely on high intensity ultrasound or shock waves. The externally generated pressure waves transfer a large amount of energy into the body. There is evidence that in all of these ...
  • Karamavuş, Yunus. (Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University.Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2011., 2011.)
    While the hearing loss is one of the most common problem in our lives, it is also the most compensable disability. In general, hearing impairment can be fixed by a hearing aid which amplifies sound levels at different ...
  • Ağuş, Onur. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2008., 2008.)
    Segmentation of tissues in medical imaging is an essential subject because it helps the radiologists to be able to identify diseases, tumors and follow the degenerative diseases. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) one ...
  • Kara, Ezgi. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2019., 2019.)
    Works to be done daily can be done with mobile technology in more practical, flexible times, in desired environments. With this study, it is aimed to increase productivity for radiologists by the use of some techniques to ...
  • Ateş, Filiz. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    The goals of this study were to test the reliability of CancerScanner system whetherit can detect the optical alteration of tissue dependent on temperature and to test the systemon human tissues in which system can detect ...
  • Göksel, Dilek. (Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institue of Biomedical Engineering, 2002., 2002.)
    Although several techniques exist for the analysis of cardiac tagged MR images, a rapid screening tool do not yet exits. Our proposed technique tries to perform rapid classification to diagnose the abnormalities in human ...
  • Sarp, Ayşe Sena Kabaş. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2009., 2009.)
    Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry aiming to produce a healthy, functional bite, creating greater resistance to disease and improving personal appearance. Orthodontic brackets are small attachments used in ...
  • Bilensoy, Didem. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    Migraine is a neurovascular pain syndrome affecting nearly 12 per cent of world's population. Migraine decreases the life quality and work efficiency of patients drastically, and causes billions of dollars of economical ...
  • Nevşehirli, Turan Deniz. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2008., 2008.)
    Although breath-hold diving is nowadays practiced as a competitive sports dis- cipline, its underlying physiological mechanisms enabling divers to tolerate great dive depths and durations are still not fully understood. E ...
  • Şimşek, Fatma Gülden. (Thesis (Ph.D.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2020., 2020.)
    Endothelium dysfunction may be the cause of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, aneurysm, or atherosclerosis. Thus understanding endothelial cell properties helps explaining the reasons and treatment of cardiovascular ...
  • Güngördü, Nurcan. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2018., 2018.)
    The developments in microfluidics and BioMEMS have led to miniaturized high-performance droplet-based sensors. These sensors must be reliable, simple, fastresponding and cost-effective to be used in biomedical applications. ...
  • Durmuş, Furkan. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2020., 2020.)
    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is one of the congenital anomalies leading to neonatal deaths and postnatal respiratory disorders. When the abdominal organs herniate into the chest through the defect on the diaphragm, ...
  • Zeybekoğlu, Seçil. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2009., 2009.)
    Electrocardiography (ECG) is very useful noninvasive imaging method of the heart's electrical activity. Based on these recordings, a wide range or heart conditions can be diagnosed. These conditions may vary from minor to ...
  • Yeğiner, Mete. (Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2002., 2002.)
    Computer-based systems for diagnosing diseases have been widely used in various areas of medicine in the last decades and similar studies have been performed to parameterize and increase the reliability of lung-sound based ...
  • Uçar, Korcan. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2006., 2006.)
    Twenty-four mechanoreceptor afferent units with fast conducting axons in the sciatic nerve innervating the hind foot were isolated for electrophysiological recording in pithed frogs. Ten rapidly adapting (RA) units and ...
  • Kocatürk, Özgür. (Thesis (Ph.D.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2009., 2009.)
    The success and safety of interventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures requires conspicuous intravascular instruments that can be distinguished from surrounding tissues. In this dissertation work, an "active" ...
  • Sönmez, Merdim. (Thesis (Ph.D.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2013., 2013.)
    In cardiovascular interventions, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used as an alternative to X-ray uoroscopy to address problems such as soft tissue contrast and exposed ionized radiation. In recent years, advances ...
  • Yıldırım, Dursun Korel. (Thesis (Ph.D.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2021., 2021.)
    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a promising candidate against X-ray fluoroscopy for the image-guidance of minimally invasive procedures thanks to its ion izing radiation-free, exquisite soft tissue contrast and ability ...
  • Şimşek, Fatma Gülden. (Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University.Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2011., 2011.)
    Impedance spectroscopy of blood samples with Acid Citrate Dextrose, Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid, Lithium Heparin and Sodium Citrate anticagulants are performed in the frequency range 20 Hz-1MHz, using the two probe ...
  • Şanlı, Göktuğ. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2018., 2018.)
    Correct technique that provides e cient and safe dissipation of ground reaction forces (GRF) is crucial during landing motions. Parkour practitioners (traceurs) intrinsically developed a landing technique in which they ...